An Independent ATM Company
Complete ATM Services was established in 2009, office and warehouse located in Molendinar, Gold Coast, Queensland which holds stock, parts and a repair centre. Mr Rod Collins is the Managing Director and sole owner.
Complete ATM Services operates its business by meeting Australian Government legislative requirements as an importer and supplier of ATMs as a registered Pty Ltd Company.
It is important that our potential clients conduct their own research by requesting references from current clients before making a decision. These references should be chosen by yourself and not dictated to you. Unfortunately, in this industry it is often the case that the bigger the business, the lower the care, while the smaller the business the less experience they have! Complete ATM Services ideally sits right in the middle; we are not a large organisation that doesn't care, nor are we a small, inexperienced company.
We provide a clear and easy to read the agreement that has the only large font. Please be aware that other provider’s contracts are extremely difficult to read and may restrict the clients’ full understanding of their obligations. This is evident as we facilitate in at least one call per week from other provider’s clients. We believe and operate under one obligation to our clients; if we cannot provide an uninterrupted service - within reason of the occasional network failure and the odd part failure as dictated in our agreement - we do not deserve your business.
Complete ATM Services Pty Ltd (ABN No. 11132833713) was registered in 2009.
Complete ATM is owned and operated by Rod Collins, 0411 422 291. In 1997 Rod was a Director of AEM Electronics Pty Ltd, operating as an agent selling St George EFTPOS fixed-line terminals. In 1999 he was one of the leaders in the provision of independent ATMs for sale within the Australian Market, operating for EBS - now Cash Card. After 12 months Rod moved on to become an independent operator within the ATM industry; specialising in the provision of ATMs to clubs and pubs as ATM Express Pty Ltd.
Over the following years, Rod established a network of approximately 350 ATMs and commenced negotiations with Customers Ltd; a mining speculation and resource opportunists company. With ASIC’s approval over the next year, Customers Ltd became a public ATM company. Through another 12 months of negotiation, Customers Ltd was sold to the former director of Cash Card, which was purchased from Rod Collins for ATM Express Pty Ltd by 2003. Through his non-competitive agreement, Rod was allowed to service ATMs, supply equipment & parts, and conduct software upgrades & migrations for ATMs on behalf of most of the ATM suppliers on the Australian market. Through this period Rod Collins was operating as RODCO Pty Ltd.
Rod continued to import, recondition and sell over 200 ATMs, as well as upgrading several hundred more.
In 2010 Rod relocated to the Gold Coast; one of the fastest growing populations at the time, though there was no local ATM service being provided to this growing market. He marketed Complete ATM Services to the South East Queensland market. In 2011 Rod actively marketed the Chungho Comnet Xtremo series ATM as a fixed line or wireless terminal to South East Queensland, focusing locally to maximise its footprint on the Gold Coast. This was a successful venture for Complete ATM Services as they became the pioneer distributor of mobile wireless ATMs to sporting events, large concerts and local shows, and expanded the business into other states to meet growing demand.
Complete ATM Services has just under 100 fixed ATM sites and all clients are happy and willing to participate as references for the service and product we provide. It has taken Rod 20 years, with dedicated staff and outstanding service, to develop Complete ATM Services into a leading and well-respected position within the Australian ATM industry.
In the next two to three years, Mr Collins will maximise his skills and financial resources to become the leading ATM provider on the Gold Coast and will equally show growth in other states.