Click To Call: 0411 422 291


All Transaction Refunds Guaranteed

  1. Read your receipt
  2. Look for amount dispensed
  3. Check your bank account
    • The 1st thing a ATM does is connect to your bank and requests the amount you would like dispensed from your account then dispenses at the ATM
  4. If the amount on the receipt shows $0 dispensed then you have an 98% chance the ATM did not connect to your bank, which means the bank is off line – Network Coverage Unavailable
  5. If the receipt says "transaction will reflect your bank account" this means the ATM malfunctioned whilst processing your transaction and only some of the money was dispensed, the ATM has sent a command to your bank to credit the difference to your bank account. This may take up to 24 hours, some large banks can take only up to several hours. There is no need to call anyone unless your money did not appear in your account within 48 hours (see making a claim)
  6. If the amount says $0 please try again

For a call back, please leave you name and number.